Who’s Really Attacking
The Humane Society of the United States
The HSUS draws fire from industries that involve animals, such as notoriously cruel puppy mills, factory farms and the wildlife trade.
Scroll down to find out the truth behind these shady attacks.

Deception #1
"The HSUS doesn’t run local animal shelters, and gives less than 1% of its budget to supporting them."
The Truth

Deception #2
is against
The Truth

Deception #3
"The HSUS was forced
to pay millions of
dollars in a federal
racketeering lawsuit."
The Truth

Deception #4
socks away money
in Caribbean
hedge funds."
The Truth

Deception #5
puts millions of dollars into pension plans
and overpays its staff."
The Truth

Stand with us.
Powerful interests attack the Humane Society of the United States because we’re effective. We threaten the bottom line of industries that profit from abusing animals.
We know you’re on our side. Visit our main website to sign up for news and actions to help animals.
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Thank you.
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