Outside the HSUS
In the News: Richard Berman and his Misnamed Nonprofits
Berman is a well-known lobbyist for tobacco, alcohol and agribusiness interests
The Humane Society of the United States is only the latest in a series of organizations that Richard Berman, a well-known lobbyist for the food and restaurant industry, has targeted in an aggressive public relations campaign. Berman and his organization, The Center for Consumer Freedom, tend to go after consumer-protection groups including Mothers Against Drunk Driving, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Center for Science in the Public Interest and more. Over the years, Berman has fought against restricting drinking and driving, mandating healthier foods and raising the minimum wage.
“We run all of this stuff through nonprofit organizations that are insulated from having to disclose donors.” Richard Berman
We encourage our readers to learn more about CCF and the man many call a “hired gun” for corporate interests in the growing public debate about food. What follows below is a sample of media coverage about CCF and Berman.
- CRL and Unusual – The Rachel Maddow Show (April 2010)
- Meet Rick Berman – The Rachel Maddow Show (September 2009)
- Confronting Rick Berman – The Rachel Maddow Show (October 2009)
- Rick Berman, king of astroturf – The Rachel Maddow Show (October 2009)
- Meet Dr. Evil” – 60 Minutes (September 2007)
Articles and Editorials
- The bogus ‘allegation’ that Putin is funding a California environmental charity – The Washington Post (March 2022)
- Researcher Uncovers ‘Critical Race Theory’ Astroturfing Campaign – Vice (June 2021)
- Meat Wars Heat Up – The Beet (December 2019)
- Why is Rick Berman attacking Chipotle? – PR Watch (September 2015)
- Chipotle’s “G-M-Over it” campaign slammed in new ads – CBS News (September 2015)
- Evil corporate henchman attacks Chipotle – Grist (September 2015)
- DC Alliance is front group for Dr Evil – The Montana Standard (July 2015)
- Clearly someone hates the Humane Society, why? – Politico (May 2015)
- Dr. Evil turns out to be Dr. Silly – Stillwater News Press (April 2015)
- The Dr. Evil of climate denial: Meet the legendary P.R. exec with a sinister anti-science agenda – Salon (April 2015)
- Notorious astroturf pioneer Rick Berman is behind business group’s anti-labor-board campaign –Mother Jones (March 2015)
- Dr Evil is defending big oil is anyone defending climate the same way? Grist (March 2015)
- Lobbyist dubbed Dr Evil behind front groups attacking Obama power rules – The Guardian (February 2015)
- Rick Berman exposed in new audio; hear his tactics against environmentalists and workers rights – TruthOut (November 2014)
- Oil industry advised to play dirty with greens – The Hill (October 2014)
- “Win ugly or lose pretty”: Secret tape reveals Big Oil’s sleazy P.R. pep talk – Salon (October 2014)
- Fracking advocates urged to win ugly by discrediting foes – Bloomberg News (October 2014)
- Leaked Big Oil speech: Wage “Endless War” against fracking opponents – Gawker (October 2014)
- Hard-nosed advice From veteran lobbyist: ‘Win ugly or lose pretty’ – The New York Times (October 2014)
- The sleazy war on the humane society – The Daily Beast (August 2014)
- Recall worse PR than anything anti-meat groups could conjure” – Lincoln Journal Star (February 2014)
- Fight over minimum wage illustrates web of industry ties – The New York Times (February 2014)
- Is the Humane Society bad for puppies? This man wants you to think so – TIME Magazine (August 2013)
- Time for a change – Manitoba Co-operator (April 2013)
- Washington’s robust market for attacks, half-truths – The Boston Globe (May 2013)
- Donor advisory issued on Berman ‘charities’ – Nonprofit Quarterly (April 2013)
- Report: Outgoing Daily Caller editor was a poor imposter” – The Washington Post (March 2013)
- Union busting by profiting from non-profit may breach IRS” – Bloomberg News (November 2012)
- Is your source secretly a lobbyist? – Nieman Report (July 2012)
- PETA and Humane Society attacked by reports – but are they real? – The Washington Post (February 2012)
- The PR man behind the Oscar night anti-Humane Society slam – Mother Jones (February 2012)
Selected Articles and Editorials prior to 2012
- Behind the curtain of an industry-created front group attacking MADD – St. Louis Post-Dispatch (September 2011)
- Hounding the Humane Society of the U.S. – Los Angeles Times (June 2011)
- Nonprofit advocate carves out unusual for-profit niche – The New York Times (June 2010)
- Complaint spotlights ‘Dr. Evil’ campaign against drunk-driving protections – Talking Points Memo blog (May 2010)
- Nonprofit group attacks Humane Society over spending of donations – The Chronicle of Philanthropy (March 2010)
- Corporate front man: Richard Berman manages the news on key labor-backed bill – Harper’s Magazine (May 2009)
- Front group king Rick Berman gets blasted by his son, David Berman – PRWatch(January 2009)
- Name of organizations can be deceiving – San Francisco Chronicle (July 2008)
- Got a nasty fight? Here’s your man – USA Today (July 2006)
- TV ad targeting unions raises profile of campaign against labor leaders –Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (June 2006)
- Striking back at the food police – The New York Times (June 2005)
- Obesity hype? – The Washington Post (May 2005)
- The escalating obesity wars: Nonprofit’s tactics, funding sources spark controversy – The Washington Post (April 2005)
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